My Alaska Life
This is the time of year that everyone cuts wood for heating their cabins. It’s easiest to do it when you can use a sled to haul it with behind your snowmachine. It slides easily over the snow. Jeff picks on trees that are down, almost down, or standing dead, like beetle kill spruce. It actually helps clean up the forest and heats us at the same time. Here Jeff pulls up to a large snow-covered downed birch and chainsaws it up. I’m not sure how long it takes for the wood to rot but this one still has good wood on the inside. It’ll make really nice firewood. Birch provides really good long burning heat. It’s hard work getting it though. It’s so big that it takes lots of muscle to chainsaw it and lots of muscle to put it in the sled. And Jeff will still have to chainsaw it up into pieces small enough to fit in the wood stove.