My Alaska Life
As much as we love this time of year with the long days and warm weather there are a couple of things that are a problem especially at the cabin. I didn’t get a great picture but the mosquitos are getting so thick and vicious now. All the windows of the cabin have screens on them and the mosquitoes are on all the screens hoping to get in and somehow they are getting in. Jeff put up a mosquito net over the bed because it’s hard to sleep with mosquitos buzzing all over you. I itch for days when I get bitten too. When I go outside these days it’s not for leisure. I do everything as fast as I can and get back inside, then I sit with the mosquito swatter and swat them inside. This year is particularly bad. In addition, the cottonwood are shedding their fluff. It looks like snow coming down and it makes it hard to breathe without breathing it in. Once again the picture doesn’t do it justice but gives you an idea. You can see all the white dots in the picture.