My Alaska Life
Twisted Stalk is another wild plant that is edible. In the Spring, when the shoots are young and tender, people collect the stalks and leaves and use them fresh in salads, cook them in sitr fry and pickle them. They taste like cucumber, hence the reason they have a nickname of wild cucumber. The problem with eating the stalks is that twisted stalk is similar looking to a couple of poisonous plants that also grow in the same areas: false hellebore and False Solomon Seal. Both plants have similar characteristics so you have to study them all and make sure you know the difference before you experiment with eating twisted stalk. Once the plant matures it gets berries that give it its’ other nickname: watermelon berry. The berries are edible and taste a little like watermelon. They are used by some Alaskans but aren’t the most appetizing berries and they do have seeds in them which if you eat too many can upset your stomach. It’s best to spit them out if you ask me.